Basement Remodeling

Things to Consider for your Basement Remodel

A lot of homeowners use their basement for storage for tools, knick knacks, and anything that isn’t used on a regular basis. However, if your living space is starting to feel like it’s closing in on you, or you just want to update your home, you can make your basement a valuable piece of living space.

If your basement is unfinished, then you have a blank canvas on which to remodel and make something exactly how you want it. Remodeling a basement can be a big undertaking, so you will want to plan things out ahead of time. However, the investment that you make in time and in money will be well worth it in the end when you have added a significant amount of living space to enjoy.

There is a lot that you have to think about when you are planning on remodeling your basement. While the most exciting part is to think about what components, such as furniture and decor you will have and where everything will go, you also have to think about the structure of your home and the room that you have.

Planning a basement project requires careful planning and decision-making. Along with Ziebart Construction, you can plan and design the basement space of your dreams, including all the little details you may not have thought of.

When you go into any remodeling project, you need to set goals for what you want in your new space. Do you want a private bedroom area, or do you want an extra family room? Perhaps you are looking for a den or a workshop. When you have a good idea of what you want, then it’s easier to plan and design it. Your floor plan will come together and you can start to visualize the finished project.

You will also need to think about how much actual space you have. You will only have so much square footage to work with, so you will need to work within those confines. Basements tend to have lower ceilings, so make sure that you include that factor in your planning. Plumbing and other utilities are also important factors. For example, if you are looking to add a bathroom to your basement, then it can be easier and cheaper if you are able to install it where plumbing already exists.

Basements can be tricky places to build and remodel. There are often obstacles and challenges, such as columns in the middle of large spaces, and a lack of outlets or HVAC venting. A professional contractor from Ziebart can help plan your space while including these often overlooked factors so that there are no surprises when the work starts.

Errors to Avoid

Good planning and design can help you minimize mistakes, but they can still happen. Of course, prevention is much better than having to spend time and money fixing errors. Here are some of the most common issues and mistakes that basement remodelers face.

Basements are known for being damp and dark. That makes them a perfect breeding ground for mold. Sometimes water can get in through weeping tile or a leaky foundation, or it can come from a leaking water heater. When going through a basement remodel, you should never try to cover up mold or dampness by building over them. Take care of the source of the issue before moving forward.

When a homeowner is trying to maximize living space, they may end up designing the basement with too many rooms. A big open space can sometimes cause homeowners to get overzealous, and they try to fit everything they can in there. This can create rooms that seem so cramped or small that it affects how useful they are. A good practice is to leave some space in your basement in case you need to add some square footage to a room or two.

Many homeowners want to use organic or eco-friendly materials. While this is a great idea for building at ground level or above, it is often not a great idea for the basement. Organic building materials tend to absorb moisture. When installed above ground, these materials get dried out by the ventilation they are exposed to. However, in a basement, that moisture can build up and cause issues down the road.

The poor ventilation in basements isn’t just a problem for inappropriate materials. It can also affect the air quality in the space, which can be dangerous for your family. You may need to have a dehumidifier to remove moisture that can lead to mold. A radon mitigation system can also improve air quality and keep your family safe.

Basements are not just damp. They are also dark. They get very little natural light if any, which means that you need to have good lighting down there to use it as a living space. Talk to Ziebart Construction about all of your lighting options and we will recommend some options that will work for you.

If you want to install bedrooms in your basement, then you must consider soundproofing. When people are walking around upstairs then it can sound like pistons going off overhead in some basements. Install the right insulation and soundproofing materials so that everyone will be able to sleep when they need to.

Plan With Your Budget In Mind

Before you make any planning or design decisions, you need to have an amount in mind that you are able to spend. There are many factors that might affect pricing, such as the square footage of the space, how much labor will be needed, and the cost of the materials you use. If there is demolition and disposal involved then it will cost more as well.

Having a budget in mind at all times will help with your decision-making. You can have all sorts of exciting ideas in your head, but if none of them fit within your eventual budget, then you’ll have wasted your time. Fit your ideas to your budget, and you can mix and match and eliminate certain things to get within your limit.

Your budget will greatly depend on how you are paying for the remodel. Are you getting a loan, or paying from your personal savings? You may choose to take out another mortgage on your home or use the equity to get financing. If you are not using your savings, then you will need to get your financing in place so you know exactly what you are approved for and what you can spend.

Also include everything that goes into a remodel. Yes, you will have materials and installations. However, you will most likely also have new furniture and decor to complete the look and feel of the space. The last thing you want is to spend your entire budget on the remodel and then realize you have nowhere to sit, sleep, place your television, or play pool.

Go With a Professional

A professional basement remodeling expert like Ziebart Construction can help you through every step of the process. Talk to one of our specialists to figure out how we can make your dream basement a reality within your budget and within your deadline.